2021高考英语(全国版)一轮复习考点考法精练: 高考题型突破 七选五 Word版含解析

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2021高考英语(全国版)一轮复习考点考法精练: 高考题型突破 七选五 Word版含解析

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2021高考英语(全国版)一轮复习考点考法精练: 高考题型突破 七选五 Word版含解析 来源:用户分享 时间:2023/3/30 17:14:30 本文由晴栀 分享 下载这篇文档手机版 说明:文章内容仅供预览,部分内容可能不全,需要完整文档或者需要复制内容,请下载word后使用。下载word有问题请添加微信号:fanwen365或QQ:370150219 处理(尽可能给您提供完整文档),感谢您的支持与谅解。点击这里给我发消息

题型二 七选五

Passage 1[2020河北石家庄摸底考试]

Many people believe that there is some truth in the saying \ 1 Laughter helps relieve pain, strengthen the immune system and reduce stress. Laughter stimulates(激发)hormones which make us feel happy. Laughter also increases the flow of blood throughout the body and has benefits which are similar to the ones you get by doing exercise.

2 Children exposed to funny films and cartoons before major medical procedures are able to cope better with pain and anxiety. 3 These are professional clowns who are sent to hospitals and wards to entertain and distract sick children.

Laughter therapy has become very popular in recent years and as a result, more and more laughter clubs are starting to open up in cities and towns all over the world. At a laughter session, a trained therapist instructs the group to perform a series of exercises which are designed to produce laughter. 4 And it takes them some time to get rid of their inhibitions(拘谨). They might even start off with fake laughter,but this doesn’t matter because our bodies can’t tell the difference,and the results are the same. Moreover,laughter is contagious(有感染力的). 5

So next time you feel ill, stressed out or depressed, try watching a funny film or try remembering an amusing incident in your life. You will soon feel better.

A. If one person starts giggling, it is unavoidable that everyone else will be drawn in. B. Laughter helps you focus.

C. This finding has led to so-called clown doctors.

D. In fact, research done by scientists has shown that laughter has a lot of health benefits. E. Laughter makes the world a better and more colorful place. F. Some people may find the idea embarrassing at first.

G. Using laughter therapy in children’s hospitals has proven to be invaluable. Passage 2[2020山西太原阶段性测评]

We all agree that we should recycle things more at home,in the office or in other places. 1 Consequently,they can be collected and taken to the right place for recycling.This is what the process of sorting allows us to do.

2 And the effective sorting needs to happen first in our own home, and second in sorting plants where waste is collected.When you put a plastic bottle in the right recycling bag or bin,you help sort recyclable things so that the right material can be fed into the right recycling process.If sorting does not happen,a lot of recyclable materials can end up in landfills(废物填埋地).It will lead to the loss of resources.

3 For instance,in Brussels consumers put plastic packaging,cans and beverage cartons in blue bags designed for recyclable packaging;paper in yellow bags for recycling;and glass in specific collection bins.Somewhat differently,in Vienna(Austria),citizens can expect their paper,metal,glass and plastic to be separately collected in different weeks. 4

Once recyclable materials are collected from your home,they are further sorted in specialised facilities which ensure the quality of the recycling process. 5 Traditionally,sorting has been done either manually with workers sorting what can be recycled and picking out the materials to be discarded or mechanically.Today, new sorting technologies are being developed not only to speed up the process of sorting but also to cause better results.Exciting technologies using magnets(磁铁) or optical systems are being used to effectively sort materials so more of them can be recycled. A. For effective recycling we need effective sorting. B. Packaging is the first step towards recycling.

C. This is where different sorting techniques come into play. D. So citizens need to be aware of their local collection system. E. Collection systems can be very different from country to country.

F. The rest were buried or burned even though they could have been recycled or reused.

G. But for materials to be recycled,they first need to find their way to the right waste bin. Passage 3[2020吉林长春质量监测]

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Words have great power.Death and life are in the charge of the tongue.Many of us have been offended by words and know how badly words hurt. 1 Trust me, if you are not careful in this area,your emotions will soon be controlled by the words of the people around you. ● 2

If someone tells you \,don’t believe it in your mind.People can never really harm you unless you allow yourself to be defined by these words.You are a pretty good child.You are very valuable in the sight of your parents. So never allow yourself to feel inferior just because of the words of other people.

● Turn those words into positive thoughts within you.

If there is something wrong with your actions,and others are trying to correct you,it can sometimes hurt your feelings if their words are hurtful. 3 Think like this in your mind, \,I’m wrong,but I’ll find ways to improve.Now I have hope because I know I can change.\ ● Respond softly.

If someone speaks in a hurtful way,take a deep breath first and try to speak softly and kindly in response. 4 On the contrary,an angry answer is like a sword,which will bring harm instead of healing. ● Be silent.

5 It’s none of your business. We need not respond to every personal comment from people.It’s not your problem that they keep on hurting you on purpose.So simply leave it. A. A soft answer turns away anger. B. Don’t worry about what others say.

C. It is wise to correct others’ mistakes by soft words. D. Never let negative words of others define who you are. E. In that case, change those words into positive thoughts.

F. If someone is hurting you on purpose for no reason,simply be silent and ignore it.

G. Today I will share a few tips on how to handle the effect of negative words spoken to you. Passage 4[2020江西南昌摸底考试]

Humans are made for walking. With our upright posture, quick-changing joints, and strong leg muscles, our bodies are actually designed with walking in mind — which is what makes it such perfect exercise. 1 And best of all, it’s a great way to see new things and meet new people!

Wherever you are, in the city or at the campground, you’ll find plenty of walking going on. Maybe you already love to walk, but you’ll getting tired of tracing your same old route day after day — or maybe you’re new to walking and aren’t sure how to get started. 2 To get started, sit down with a map and find a goal. Ask yourself, what do you want to get out of walking aside from the health benefits? Do you want to meet other people? See new places? 3

If making friends and socializing are your goal, you may call up your friends and schedule walks with them, since this will introduce you to new places and trails. You might also find open groups of dog walkers at your local park. Your campground staff might know about fun local walking groups you can join.

4 In cities, large and small all over the country, walks are going on almost every weekend in support of cancer research, diabetes research, and other humanitarian causes.

5 Then tie your walking shoes and prepare to get to know the new area! Many of our great historic cities offer detailed and well-planned walking tours. Nearly any city you can think of offers a walking tour with maps, provided by the tourist administration. A. Head to a new city?

B. So why not focus on walking?

C. Either way, it’s time to walk with a purpose.

D. It’s kind to our bodies and great for our waistlines. E. Get to know people by the power of your own two feet.

F. And be sure to stay on the lookout for walks to raise money. G. Knowing these will help you decide on the type of walk you want. Passage 5[2020广东惠州第一次调研]

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How to Cultivate Confidence?

When faced with a big challenge where potential failure seems to appear at every corner,maybe you’ll hear this advice:Be more confident. 1 Take the belief that you are precious and capable,also known as self-esteem.Confidence turns thoughts into action.It comes from the genes you are born with,the way people get used to treating you as well as the choices you make.While it isn’t possible to completely separate these three factors,the personal choices we make obviously play a major role in confidence development.As a result,by keeping certain practical tips in mind, we do actually have the power to cultivate our own confidence.

2 If you’re looking for a long-term change,consider the way you think about your abilities and talents.Do you think they are fixed at birth,or that they can be developed?The belief matters because it can influence how you act in the face of setbacks.If you have a fixed mindset,meaning that your talents are locked, you might give up,assuming you’ve discovered something you’re not good at.But if you have a growth mindset,and think your abilities can improve,a challenge will become an opportunity to learn and grow. Neuroscience(神经科学)supports the latter.The connections in your brain do get stronger and grow with study and practice. 3 Practicing failure is a must.Failure happens. 4 J.K.Rowling was rejected by twelve different publishers before one picked up Harry Potter. The Wright brothers built on history’s failed attempts at flight before designing a successful airplane.Studies show that those who fail regularly but keep trying are better equipped to respond to challenges in constructive ways. 5 So,think of a challenge you want to take on,realize it’s not going to be easy,accept that you’ll make mistakes, and be kind to yourself when you do.You’ll feel the excitement,knowing that whatever the result is,you’ll have gained greater knowledge and understanding. A. But what is confidence?

B. So can confidence be easily cultivated? C. Everyone is possible to encounter failure. D. Being a talented person is quite necessary.

E. They learn to try different strategies and persevere. F. Believing in your abilities to improve is the first step.

G. It also turns out that people with a growth mindset are better at dealing with challenges. Passage 6[2020河南洛阳尖子生联考]

Starting university can be a costly experience for most students. But thankfully, with a little know-how, you can gain the benefits of being a student with a lot more cash in your pocket than you would have expected. 1 . Checking out these top money-saving tips might be helpful.

Save money by comparison

2 . In fact,it can be a useful habit to compare the prices.Shop around and find the cheapest option.One of the easiest and most efficient ways to do that is by using a price comparison site.

Use student transport discounts

We have a love-hate relationship with public transport. 3 . Luckily, most cities have local bus operators that offer students passes,which are much cheaper than standard tickets. These can usually be used at all times of the day, including peak travel times.


Going out to a nightclub can be expensive. So take full advantage of student offers, where drinks are cheap and entry is often free. Be sure to keep an eye out for any freebies and special student offers advertised at local restaurants, cinemas and high street shops.

Spend less on textbooks

Before you rush out and spend your entire student loan on books, check your lecture outlines and figure out which books you do need to own, and which ones you can borrow from the library. 5 . And you can also share the cost with your classmates. A. Use student offers when socializing B. Students shouldn’t go to the nightclub

C. Being a money-saving student has never been easy

D. Remember all your textbooks are available in the library

E. While it may be essential to use public transport, it’s not always cheap F. If there are some you need to buy, see if you can get a second-hand copy

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G. We tend to look for a lower price before buying a product

Passage 1[2019全国Ⅱ]

Imagine a child standing on a diving board four feet high and asking himself the question: \I jump?\sides of the same coin. 36 Like the child on the diving board, you will stay undecided.

37 More than that, how should you stay motivated to achieve the goal? First, you need to evaluate yourself, your values, your strengths, your weaknesses, your achievements, your desires, etc. Only then should you set your goals.

You also need to judge the quality and depth of your motivation. This is quite important, because it is directly related to your commitment. There are times when your heart is not in your work. 38 So, slow down and think what you really want to do at that moment. Clarity (清晰) of thoughts can help you move forward.

Another way of setting realistic goals is to analyze your short and long term objectives, keeping in mind your beliefs, values and strengths. Remember that goals are flexible. 39 They also need to be measurable. You must keep these points in mind while setting your goals.

Your personal circumstances are equally important. For example, you may want to be a pilot but can’t become one because your eyesight is not good enough. 40 You should reassess your goals, and motivate yourself to set a fresh goal.

You will surely need to overcome some difficulties, some planned, but most unplanned.You cannot overcome them without ample motivation. Make sure that you plan for these difficulties at the time of setting your goals. A. This can affect your work.

B. So how should you motivate yourself? C. However, this should not discourage you. D. So why should we try to set specific goals? E. They can change according to circumstances. F. Motivation is what you need most to do a good job.

G. Without motivation, you can neither set a goal nor reach it. Passage 2[2019浙江]

Rock music consists of many different styles. Even though there is a common spirit among all music groups, they make very different music. 31 At that time the Beatles entered the world of music from Liverpool.

After they were given an invitation to appear live on BBC, the Beatles quickly became famous in Britain with nationwide tours. By mid-1963, the Beatles had been extremely popular in England. 32 They held large concerts and performed at clubs. They became the hottest thing on the pop music scene in England. They began as a modestly successful musician group and ended the year as show business legends (传说). John Lennon and Paul McCartney were named composers of the year.

33 They were not sure how the Americans would react to the new type of music.Beatlemania hit New York on February 7, 1964. Hundreds of fans jammed the airport to greet them. 34 The concert was broadcast live and attracted the largest one night audience in the history of television up to that time. The Beatles were described as a British invasion (入侵) by local and nationwide newspapers at that time. Their victory in America was still remembered as a major turning point in the history of rock and roll. Thanks to the Beatles, a lot of opportunities were opened up to new faces on the market. 35

A. They decided on a tour to the United States in 1964.

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